Thursday 26 May 2016

This dancing mannequin robot took pensioner eight years and £15,000 to build

This dancing mannequin robot took pensioner eight years and £15,000 to build

A pensioner proved he was no dummy after he built a dancing mannequin from scratch.
Li Zuchen, the retired mechanic responsible for the creation, first came up with the idea of making a dancing robot almost a decade ago when he visited a shopping mall.
He wanted to liven up window displays after he dubbed the clothes horses in his hometown "boring" and "unattractive".
So he set about building his own dancing girl - which took him eight whole years to finish.
CENA pensioner proved he was no dummy after he created a mannequin capable of dancing to liven up shop window displays
Dancer: The mannequin in action after nearly a decades work was completed
Li said: "I found the mannequins to be boring and unattractive and I wondered why with all of the robotics technology out there nobody had thought to give them movement."
The 63-year-old decided to create a moving mannequin to show off the outfits it was promoting with some of the latest dance moves - which meant installing motors in the arms, legs, and hips to enable it to "perform".
It can wave its arms and even move its legs with the help of a remote control.
Li began the project eight years ago, spending hours online researching how to convert the stuff mannequin into a smooth dancing machine.
CENA pensioner proved he was no dummy after he created a mannequin capable of dancing to liven up shop window displays
Impressive: It can wave its arms around and move its feet
He spent 150,000 RMB (£15,590) on building the robot, which can now move its limbs, turn from side to side, and dance to music.
And people have praised his invention online, with one commenter saying he should make "companion" robots with his impressive skills.
CENA pensioner proved he was no dummy after he created a mannequin capable of dancing to liven up shop window displays
Creation: Li controlling his invention with a remote
Scoto Wd commented on a video of the doll: "This guy should go into business for himself and make companion robots for men and women. He would surely be successful."
Li, who lives in Changchun, the capital of north-east China’s Jilin Province, also wants to patent the idea.
CENA pensioner proved he was no dummy after he created a mannequin capable of dancing to liven up shop window displays
Expensive: A lot of time and money was spent on the robot
The dancing robot has been described by Li as his "daughter", with the pensioner never having had any children of his own.
He believes the flexible robot will be the perfect assistant for fashion shop owners

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